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Fasting-like diet could help reverse biological aging by 2.5 years


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Following a fasting-simulating diet may help reduce the risk of many diseases. Alina Hvostikova/Stocksy
  • A study showed that a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) reduced insulin resistance, liver fat. SwellingN, and other markers associated with aging.
  • The diet is based on consumption of prepared meals with controlled levels of dietary macros on days 1-5 and then eating normally for 25 days of the month.
  • This fasting-like diet style is not suitable for everyone, including pregnant people and older adults.

Three cycles of the so-called fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) was shown to reduce biomarkers associated with insulin resistance, liver fat in humans, and other markers associated with aging.

The senior author of the new study, Professor Walter Longo of the USC Leonard Davis School, designed the FMD. This five-day diet is high in unsaturated fats and low in proteins, carbohydrates and calories.

The study examined the effects of the diet in two clinical studies involving men and women aged 18 to 70. The participants who followed the fasting-mimicking diet went through 3-4 menstrual cycles, followed the FMD for 5 days and followed one. Normal diet for other 25 days.

The results showed that patients in the FMD group had less insulin resistance, lower HbA1c results and better fasting glucose results. They also had less belly fat and liver fat, as well as improved immune system markers indicating less inflammation.

Additionally, both clinical studies showed that people who followed the FMD had an average of 2.5 years of reduction in markers associated with biological aging.

The study was published in Nature,

This clinical study involving 100 participants indicated that a plant-based fasting-simulating diet followed for 5 days a month could reduce people's biological age after only three menstrual cycles and without changing their lifestyle. Could.

Researchers provided participants with meals for 1–5 days that contained certain proportions of macro- and micronutrients, such as soups, energy bars, snacks, and tea. These were provided by L-Nutra Inc., a company that sells ready-packaged meals for people who are fasting. The study states that the two authors 'have a common interest in L-Nutra'.

The first study conducted by these researchers was published in Metabolic Health & Disease in 2023, and showed similar results.

“The results are particularly reassuring because both studies, one conducted in Los Angeles and one in Tennessee, show similar effects at a 2.5-year reduction in biological age as measured by the BIOME method developed by Morgan Levin at Yale , but there is also parallel evidence showing rejuvenation or improved function/health of multiple systems, including the immune system, liver and endocrine system, as measured by standard methods,” Professor Longo explained. Medical News Today.

“The next step is to continue to allow multiple universities to conduct clinical trials to test whether cycles of this standardized plant-based FMD, which come in a box like medicine, not only help people stay younger Not only can it help prevent or treat diseases like diabetes, CVD. , cancer, and Alzheimer's, considering that biological age and multi-system dysfunction are major risk factors for these diseases.
– Professor Walter Longo

He added, “We also hope that these studies will convince doctors to add FMD to their toolkit for disease prevention and possibly treatment.”

There are several ways in which this diet can improve overall health.

reduce inflammation

“The FMD does exactly what its name suggests—mimics fasting,” said Dr. Nicole Avena, assistant professor of neuroscience at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, visiting professor of health psychology at Princeton University, and nutrition consultant. without sugar,

“This diet is beneficial for balancing blood sugar, improving insulin resistance, and reducing inflammation throughout the body. By giving your body time to rest instead of digest, it allows us to heal inflammation and focus energy on more serious internal issues,'' she explained.

Reducing biological age and risk factors for disease

Many lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes or heart disease, are associated with a shorter lifespan.

“These diseases increase inflammation within the body and allow reactive oxygen species (ROS) to increase,” Avena explains. “Excessive amounts of ROS cause disease, so aim to adopt a less inflammatory lifestyle FMD Beneficial for aging.”

“In particular, biological age is interesting because it really depends on how old we are feel Versus what age we actually are. “The amount of inflammation and disease we have determines our abilities to perform functions of daily living,” he said.

While the clinical consensus is that the FMD is generally safe, there are some people who should not follow this diet.

“If you are pregnant or trying to conceive, and if you are considered an older adult, FMD is not for you,” Avena said.

“During pregnancy, our metabolic demands are higher and in old age, our metabolism is not as fast as it is in childhood,” he said.

Getting adequate nutrients during pregnancy is essential for the health of the baby and parents.

For senior citizens, fasting is generally not recommended, especially if they already have chronic health problems.

Typically, FMD consists of high-fat foods while protein remains relatively low.

“This is a good time to try a Mediterranean-style diet, which includes beans, olive oil, fatty fish and whole grains,” Avena said.

“Remember, you're trying to eat less than your estimated calorie requirement for 5 days while drinking plenty of water. This is planned to be done once a month, but you should continue to include healthy foods in it [in] Mediterranean diet all month long,'' she explained.


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