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This supplement reverses the signs of aging and promotes healthy aging


Research has found that giving GlyNAC supplements – a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine ​​– to older people prevents several key markers of aging and keeps people healthier as they age. Not only this, but after taking it even older people appeared more fit and stronger with a thinner waist GlyNAC Supplement.

As reported in the study, scientists at Baylor College of Medicine studied the effects of GlyNAC supplementation on 24 older adults and 12 younger people in a randomized, double-blind human clinical trial.

After 16 weeks, GlyNAC supplementation was found to be associated with multiple benefits for key symptoms of aging and age-related defects. These include oxidative stress, glutathione depletion, mitochondrial dysfunction, mitophagy, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, genomic damage, stem cell fatigue, and cellular senescence. Meanwhile, no improvement was seen in those who received a placebo.

In turn, older people who received GlyNAC supplements had stronger muscles, lower blood pressure and smaller waist measurements. They could exercise harder, and their walking speed improved, which is a surprisingly good indicator of poor health in old age.

The researchers explain that the key to the benefits of GlyNAC lies in its ability to restore mitochondrial health and repair oxidative stress.

Mitochondria – as school textbooks say, “the powerhouse of the cell” – generate most of the energy needed to fuel the cell's biochemical reactions. However, as we age, they become less efficient at producing energy. As their previous mice study suggested, this clinical trial showed that GlyNAC supplementation increases mitochondrial function in older people to levels found in younger people.

As for oxidative stress, it describes the process in which the body suffers damage from high levels of toxic waste products, known as reactive oxygen species or free radicals, resulting in cell breakdown. And DNA is damaged. Our body produces a natural anti-oxidant – glutathione – to counter this, but levels decrease as we age. The latest trials show that GlyNAC supplementation helps reverse this glutathione deficiency and reduces oxidative stress in older humans.

It appears that GlyNAC supplementation had some real effects on the health and well-being of the participants. Older people who received GlyNAC experienced improvements in muscle strength and increased exercise capacity, as well as significant improvements in walking speed, which is thought to be linked to increased chances of survival in older people.

“An interesting question from this trial is why so many improvements are being made toward promoting health. We believe this is due to the combined effort of three different components – glycine, cysteine ​​(from NAC), and glutathione, and not just glutathione. Both glycine and cysteine ​​are very important for cellular health in their own right, and GlyNAC provides both,” Dr. Rajagopal Shekhar, corresponding study author and professor of medicine at Baylor, explained in a statement.

“Glycine and cysteine ​​are building blocks for making glutathione, which also has health benefits. “We believe the improvements in this trial and our previous studies are the result of the combined effects of glycine and NAC and glutathione, and we refer to this combination as the 'power of 3,'” he said.

Despite how important the aging process is to everyone, scientists still know surprisingly little about how it develops. Through clinical trials like this, we can help solve some of its mysteries and find ways to ensure that the world's growing aging population can live happier and healthier lives.

“It is believed that correcting the symptoms of aging can help people age in a healthy way,” Shekhar said. “However, we do not fully understand why these aging symptoms occur in the first place, and so human randomized clinical trials are needed to improve or correct aging symptoms in aging humans. No proven solution has been found.”

This study has been published in the Journals of Gerontology Series A.

The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

An earlier version of this article was published in August 2022.


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October 2024
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